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Rainbow surf art design

Rainbow Surfs and Supporting the NHS

We could easily have called this blog post 'Happy Accidents', because that's certainly a good description of the last week:

Happy accident: A mistake or unplanned event that results in a beneficial outcome or pleasant surprise.

We have been finding the current situation just as surreal as everyone else, but we have also been using it as a time to reflect on our Single Fin journey so far. Since the start of the year, we have had barely any time to take on new design work, with some big life changes and two house moves taking priority.

The COVID-19 situation has made things even harder as we have both been incredibly busy in our day jobs and trying to support family elsewhere in the country.

Luckily, somewhere in amongst all the craziness, we had also been thinking about what we might be able to contribute, even in the smallest way.

We settled on designing an image to include the 'Rainbows for the NHS' movement that has been so iconic during the COVID-19 crisis so far. We planned to share the image on our social media channels, and simply hope that people enjoyed it.

Initially we thought about doing a really basic take on one of our most popular sunset surf prints, but there was something about the design which just didn't work for us:

Instead, we went back to the digital drawing board and started working on another old favourite. We went through a couple of different iterations, but before long our Rainbow Surf print was born.

We posted the image on Instagram on a Saturday morning and then went out for a bit of daily exercise and to post some existing print orders. When we got home, our notifications were red hot with questions about where people could buy the print. Our answer? You can't...yet!

From that initial reaction we knew that this design was something which had to go to print rather than just sit on Instagram, only to be buried by videos of dancing babies and photos of dogs wearing sunglasses. But we also knew that it wouldn't be right for us to make money from any sales of the design, so we immediately set about researching who might benefit from a donation, and how!

With Cornwall being home, we decided to support the local NHS Trust, namely the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust. The Trust is running a fundraising campaign with the goal of being able to support and improve the welfare of their teams and patients during the COVID-19 crisis. This could be as simple as being able to provide refreshments and nourishment for staff on shift, or to improve the rest areas which are so vital to staff during long, tiring hours fighting this virus.

Buy the Rainbow Surf Art Print and help us support the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust Just Giving Campaign.

We will continue to post updates to our social media pages; @singlefinco on both Facebook and Instagram, as and when we hit major milestones as well as at the point where we make those exciting donations.

Thank you for your support so far!

Chez & Sam x

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Christmas break

Hello! The team is taking a short break over Christmas to eat, surf and be merry. You can still place orders on our website and we will post them in early January. If you need a gift in a hurry, our digital gift cards are instantly available so may be a good option. See you in 2025!

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